2022. május 20., péntek

"Innovatív technikák és módszertan az angol nyelvi-és digitális kompetenciák fejlesztésének érdekében egy eTwinning iskolában" címmel a Szent Imre Katolikus Általános Iskola és Jó Pásztor Óvoda egy nyertes KA122 pályázatot valósít meg 2021 december 1 és 2022 december 1 közti időszakban. 

Projektünkkel szeretnénk elősegíteni pedagógusaink módszertani kultúra váltását, ami elősegíti hosszú távon az intézmény digitális átállását is. Szeretnénk ha egyre több tanár lenne képes a WEB 2.0 és a közösségi hálózatok pedagógiai célú használatára, virtuális osztálytermek működtetésére, valamint interkulturális tartalmak beépítésére oktató munkájuk során. Iskolánk továbbra is tervezi nemzetközi projektek létrehozását, ezért céljaink között szerepel pedagógusaink nyelvi kompetenciáinak fejlesztése. Ezáltal kezdeményező szerepet vállalhatnak nemzetközi mobilitásokban és az eTwinning felületen folyó európai szakmai munkában is. Európai azonosságtudatuk fejlődik, konkrét európai tartalmak megjelennek tanítási gyakorlatukban. A képzések után képesek lesznek jó gyakorlatokat, tapasztalatokat átvenni, illetve az általunk kidolgozott újításokat terjeszteni iskolánkban és más országokban is. A hatások átfogó minőségfejlesztést eredményeznek, mely növeli iskolánk jó hírnevét

4 fő intenzív, kombinált nyelvi kurzuson vesz részt. Az első hét megalapozza a 2. hét módszertani képzését, mely során fejleszteni fogják az IKT készségeiket, valamint megismerkednek az online tanításhoz és tanuláshoz szükséges legújabb szoftverekkel, programokkal és alkalmazásokkal. 6 fő digitális módszertani képzésen vesz részt, melyek tematikája eltér egymástól, így hatékonyabb tudásmegosztást valósítunk meg. A kurzusok elősegítik a webes megoldások alkalmazását az osztálytermekben, bemutatják hogy lehet az IKT-t hatékonyan integrálni tanításukba oly módon, hogy a tanulók a tanulási folyamat központjában legyenek. A gyakorlaton túl foglalkoznak a diákokat veszélyeztető tényezőkkel, a számítógépes zaklatással. Tippekkel, tanácsokkal segítik a gyakorló pedagógusokat megismerni a közösségi terek pozitív oldalait, beépítésüket az oktatásba. Játékos digitális módszertant tanulnak, új digitális eszközöket ismernek meg.

A projektet az Európai Bizottság támogatta. A blogon (közleményben) megjelentek nem szükségszerűen tükrözik az Európai Bizottság nézeteit.

Farkas László:
2022 május 22 és június 4 között az olaszországi Firenzében veszek részt egy kombinált tanfolyamon a "Europass" szervezésében. 

Szeretném megerősíteni információs és kommunikációs technológiai (IKT) ismereteimet, valamint szükségem van gyakorlatra is az angol nyelvű kommunikációban is.

Az első héten a nyelvi szintemhez igazított intenzív angol nyelvtanfolyamon gyakorolhatom és fejleszthetem angol nyelvtudásomat. A második héten pedig az IKT-tanárképzést valósítom meg, melynek témája: "Tabletek és okostelefonok: Mobileszközök oktatási eszközként való használata"

1 hét élménybeszámolója:

Az Intensive English Language and Culture Course a Teachers Academy Szent Egyed utcájában lévő épületében kezdődött. 

Tanárunk Roberta Begliomini fogadott bennünket. 

A kurzuson rajtam kívül három lengyel, egy spanyol és egy osztrák kolléga vett részt.

Először röviden bemutatkoztunk, majd megnéztük a prezentációkat, melyből megismerhettük az iskolákat. 

Az egyik legjobb pillanata a kurzusnak az volt, amikor elmentünk a Centrale Mercato vásárcsarnokba.
Képeket készítettünk, melyekről másnap beszélgettünk.

A nyelvi képzés gyakorlatias volt.  A téma mindennapi élethez kapcsolódott, 
egyben Firenze történelmének, kultúrájának alaposabb megismerését is segítette.
Sokat tevékenykedtünk, csoportokban dolgoztunk játékosan tanultunk.
Sokat fejlődött a szövegértésem, kommunikációm. 
Nyelvtani ismereteim is bővültek a feladatok megoldása során.

Nagyon szép emlék marad a Firenze múzeumaiban látott sok csodálatos festmény, szobor, valamint építészetének remekművei.

A kurzust egy csodálatos kirándulással zártuk. Megtekintettük Siena, Sangimignano, Pisa legnevezetesebb helyeit. 

A 2. hét élménybeszámolója

Ezen a héten a tabletek és okos telefonok iskolai alkalmazásának lehetőségeivel foglalkoztunk.
Új webes megoldásokkal ismerkedtem meg, melyeket a tanítás folyamatában hatékonyan lehet alkalmazni.
A kurzuson rajtam kívül 7 kolléga vett részt. Hárman Portugáliából, Ketten Spanyolországból, Egy Németországból és egy Ciprusról. Mindegyikük iskolájában a gyerekek az iskola által biztosított tablettel rendelkeznek és a saját mobiljukat használhatják az órákon.
Tanulmányoztuk a Quiz, Quizizz, Quizlet feladatkészítő alkalmazásokat.
Játszottunk a Goosechase alkalmazással.
A Trello alkalmazással együtt lehet dolgozni közös projekteken a csoportoknak, követhetik a munkamenetet, előrehaladást.
Minden résztvevő készített egy bemutatkozó táblát, melyből jobban megismerhettük egymás iskoláit.
Nekem az Edpuzzle alkalmazás tetszett a legjobban.
Ebben egy Youtube filmrészletet kiválasztva lehet a gyerekekkel dolgozni.
Minden tanuló egyénileg nézi a tabletjén a filmet, és oldja meg, majd ellenőrzi a hozzá szerkesztett feladatokat.

A kurzus során meggyőződtem arról, hogy milyen hasznos a közösségi hálózatok pedagógiai használata.

Varga Judit

My name is Judit Varga and I was attending a course organised by " Europass" in Florance between July 4th and July 9th.

The title of the course: Classroom Management Solutions for Teachers: New Methologies, Effective Motivation, Cooperation and Evaluation Strategies.

This course was 6 day long but I came two days before the start to have a decent time to look around in this wonderful city which is the cradle of  Renaissance.

I am deeply thankful for the head of the english communitiy of our school, Zsuzsanna Sajbán who made it possible for me to take part in this trainig and explore the city I have always wanted to visit.

I arrived in Florence late at night on Friday the 1st July. I took a plane from Liszt Ferenc Airport in Budapest and flew to Bologna airport and then I went to Florence by bus.

The beautiful Florence

During the weekend I had the chance to look around this trully wonderful city and be more familier with the area. I saw amazing buildings as the Cathedral of the Piazza del Duomo, the Ponte Vecchio Bridge:

the Palazzo Vecchio:

the Santa Lorenzo Church:

And on Sunday I visited one of the best known museums in the world today, the Accademia Gallery where I saw the famous sculpture David by Michalengelo.

It was Monday morning. I was very excited to start the course. The school situated in the centre of Florence so it wasn't difficult to find it.

This is the picture of the entrance of the school.


On the first two days participants introduced their schools. In the group there were 15 teachers from different countries and different schools.There were pre- school , primary , secondary school teachers. 
After the presentations we did an ice-breaking exercise to get to know each other. The exercise was to ask really interesting questions from each other. First we collected the possible questions and than everybody had to choose two from the list and ask that two questions from as many participants as we could  in a specific time.
My questions were: 
1. What would like to be in your next life?
2. What superpower would you like to have?

The most interesting answers were: 
I want to read in people's mind, I would like to have a superpower to disappear, or fly.

On the second and third day we were learning and talking about classroom management.
Classroom management is very important from the first lesson. Teachers have to set the rules, set the awards with the students together. What I learnt that we can write a social contract with the children and when we agreed on every point the children can sign the contract showing that they agree with all the classroom rules.
We did the social contract in groups of four and five with the following helping questions with a student point of view:
- How do you want me to treat?
- How do you want to treat each other?
- How do you think the teacher wants to be treated?
- How will we handle violations of the contract?
I found this exercise really useful, and I liked that this so called contract is student rather than teacher centered.
This is the picture when were were working in a group. I'm on the right bottom of the picture.

On Wednesday we learnt about motivation, what we can do and what we can stop doing.  We as teachers should reach that students perform tasks and learn new skills not because they obtain something of value in return ( rewards) but they enjoy the tasks and that is important. To motivate children they should have a drive to do something, they have to be curious, the taks should be challenging and they should feel that they are doing something useful.

On Thursday we learnt about managing group and pair work. Our trainer showed a method named Jigsaw method. It is a cooperative learning strategy where each student in a group takes responsibility for one part of the content then teaches it to the other groupmembers. I found this type of group work very useful and I will definitely want to use it in my lessons. 

On the last day we  watched videos about project based learning and finally the instructor Lucy asked us about the course. 
As for the cons, for me at the beggining the intruduction of the schools took quite long, even we were listening to the teachers' presentations on the second day. Lucy, the trainer hesitated to stop the presentations or not, but she didn't becuase she thought at least we could get to know each other's background better which was true. On the other hand the size of the group was quite big, there were 15 of us, so that's why we got through the presentation so long.
What is more we didn't cover all the topics which were mentioned in the schedule such as Managing different cultures in the classroom and I would have tried more examples of group work and motivation techniques.
All in all I am really glad that I took part in this training. I liked that I had the opportunity to meet teachers from all over Europe and experienced  that we are facing similar problems in our jobs whatever country we are coming from. Lucy the trainer was very enthusiastic, well prepared always had a big smile on her face and created a challenging mood in the classroom.

At the end of the course everybody took the certificate and a group photo was taken which you can see here:

During the whole week I also had the chance to see more of the amazing Florence and on Sunday the school organised a trip to Sandimignano, Siena and Pizza and even we were on a wine tasting lunch. The whole trip was absolutely fantastic. I enjoyed every minute of it.
Besides I tasted real Italian coffee, sandwiches, Toscany food and drinks. 

I cannot express how greatful I am to took part in this course and spent 11 days in the most beautiful city I have ever been. My birthday was on the 11th of July , the day when I flew back to Hungary. I could not have desired a better birthday present.

Thank you for Zsuzsanna Sajbán, thank you for Erasmus +

Good bye Tuscany and good bye Florence!

I hope to have more opportunities like this in the future.:)

Judit Varga

Bartha Katalin

My name is Katalin Bartha and I'm attending a course organised by " Europass" in San Cristobal de la Laguna, Tenerife  between July 4th and July 9th.

The title of the course is ICT Tools for a Creative and Collaborative Classroom. 

I happily took the opportunity to take part in the course. This is my first course abroad and the first time I have ever flown, so it is quite an adventure. Definitely the opportunity and adventure of my life for which I'm thankful for Zsuzsanna Sajbán who motivates us, teachers to improve ourselves. 

So back to the course...we are going to learn about online applications and online environments that boost collaborative work and creativity. During the first 2 days we have been shown applications like  Kahoot, Quizzes, Quizlet etc. and we had to create content on some of them to gain experience. We had time to share our opinion of the weaknesses and strengths of the applications and how to apply them in the teaching context. The lessons were enjoyable and useful.

I'm going to share a few photos of this breathtaking island and of the course as well.

On the 3. and 4. day we went on studying about the best ways to improve cohesion and collaboration in the group and also about how to connect with our students effortlessly by using up to date technology and techniques.  We were shown some other apps eg. Mentimeter, Socrative, Lyricstraining which we could try as students. At the end of the 4. day we were shown    Nearpod. We explored its features and possibilities. I think it offers endless possibilities to plan a creative lesson.
The trainers are very motivating and supportive, the groupmates are sociable and friendly. You can see a photo of me and a Croatian teacher.

During these two days I explored the capital city and I was laying on the beach for hours and swimming in the Atlantic ocean. It was an unforgettable experience. 

During the first four days we focused on apps, while on the 5. day we focused on strategy. In lesson planning we should consider Bloom's Taxonomy, which is a  framework that consists of six major categories: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. 
We have also been introduced to (the importance of) Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a state of mind when you are being conscious or aware of something. It helps you calm down and have a better understanding of your thoughts and emotions. It has mental, social and physical benefits. We have been shown a few mindfullness activities for the classroom to be able to adapt mindfullness education to students' lives.

I'm writing this last post on the plane, recalling those fantastic days I spent on the island, the motivating training, the picturesque landscape and all the friendly people I met. It has been an experience I'll never forget and an experience which has had an impact on my personal growth as well.
Thank you Tenerife! 
Thank you Erasmus+!
Thank you Szent Imre Katolikus Általános Iskola és Jó Pásztor Óvoda! 

Gabriella Dancsok

Hi, my name is Gabriella Dancsok, and I am here at a wonderful city in Spain, called Valencia.  First of all I have to tell you how thankful I am to our headteacher of our depertment at school, to Zsuzsanna Sajbán, and I am very glad to be here. 
The title of my course is The Classroom of the Future: Teaching with Social Media. I am attending to this course from 11th to 15th July . 
I arrived to Valencia on Sunday to be ready for the course. On this day I had some time to look around in the downtown. Here you can see some photos of it.

On Monday, the firsd day of the couse we became familiar to all the participants. They are from different countries of Europe, from Bulgaria, from the Czech Republic, from Azores Islands, from Germany, from Italy, from Portugal. Some of them teach in a primary and some of them in a secondary school.  All the members of the group are really motivated so I am sure we are going to learn a lot of new and interesting materials together. Also the trainer of the course is enthusiastic about teaching us in the very best way.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we had a lot of work to do. We had a basic question: Why is it so important to use social media in education? The answer is quite simple: today's students use their headphones and other tools for everyday life as they can't live without using them. Students born after 1997 are the digital natives. So it is a good choice to use these tools and applications in education as well.
 We have learnt some useful applications to manage our classrooms, such as Trello, Edmodo, Thinglink, Canva, and we have also learnt how to use useful links, for instance Imgflip or Flipgrid.
Here are some photos of the course and of this wonderful city.

On the last two days of the course we continued learning about digital media. 
One the one hand one of the most interesting topics we have learnt about was Veed for video edition. It was quite useful to know how students can edit videos, how they can subtitle them and form a video as they want. 
On the other hand I got to know that TED education how helpful can be in my everyday work. I can use the lesson plans for my own lessons and  how these videos can make my lessons more effective and more today's student centered.
I loved to be here in Valencia and breath in all the emotions and knowledge that I got from this course and from this amazing and colourful city.

Bye Valencia!

Emődi Gabriella:
My name is Gabriella Emődi and I was attending a course organized by Europass in Dublin between July 18-29.

The title of our course: English Language and Culture for Teachers and Learners.

I am thankful for the head of the english community of our school: Zsuzsanna Sajbán who 

made it possible for me to take part in this training.

On the first day I was very excited to start the course.

First the participants introduced their school, their countries and themselves.

In our group there were 10 teachers from different countries. From Czeh Republic, Poland, Italy,  Austria, Martinique. And different schools from pre-school, primary and secondary school.

Later we did icebreaker activities to get to know each other.

For example: 

  • Find someone in your group who used to dream of becoming a teacher as a child and etc.
  • Plan one day in Dublin from breakfast to dinner with programmes if you have only 100 euro.

The second day we did some word based situation games such as expressing ourselves with using 

the word "get".

And we did some role play for example :

  • I am a tour guide and I need to help a tourist by answering their questions,giving directions 
  • any other informations they need.

The third day there was a trip to the National Gallery of Ireland.

There was an Art Gallery Treasure Hunt. We had to find different paintings such as:

  • An Irish landscape
  • The painting you think is most beautiful 
  • Something painted in the 16th century
  • A painting of an animal by itself
  • A painting which surprised you
  • A painting with vibrant colours
  • The painting you like least
  • A portrait which reminds you of someone

The fourth day we practised the grammar and there was a city tour.

The fifth day we were in the EPIC Museum and we did a poster about The Explorers with groups.

And at the weekend we had a tour to the Cliffs of Moher.

The sixth and the seventh day we practiced English grammar, words and expressions in the group.
Made a crossword and there was a role play about a fortuna teller.

The eighth day we went to a Chester Beatty Library to discover new informations about shoes, 
mandalas and other things.

The ninth and the tenth day we made  jigsaws activities.
We pratcided phrasal werbs (get up,get on well,switch on/off,turn on/off...etc.) and made a fairy tales 
throw party.
And we wrote a funny criminal story about a man and a woman. / As chalk and cheese/

Later we received our certificate.

The two weeks was wery interesting and useful for me, I learned a lot.
I discovered Dublin, get to know Irish people, tried traditional irish food, saw many beautiful buildings, 
churches, museums and parks.

(Wellington obelisk)

(Ha'penny Bridge)

(In Howth)

(Traditional Irish stew)

I saw the Riverdance 25. Anniversary show in the Gaiety Theatre- It was amasing!

And I made some new friends from all around the world.

Thank you for Zsuzsa Sajbán!
Thank you for Erasmus!
 Demeter Krisztina:
01.  08. 2022.

Hi, my name is Krisztina Demeter and I am here in Dublin to take part in a one - week long course                                                                               (01. 08. – 06. 08.) titled „The best social media and web solutions for your classroom”.

I arrived on Sunday and as for travelling I must say that it was much easier than I expected thanks                                                                                to the easy, understandable signs and also to the helpful people.

The education started on Monday. After telling our names and nationalities our teacher started                                                                                      to talk about our course and me and the other 13 students were already in education.

First, we discussed the importance of data protection and copyright law then talked about the security                                                                          of WhatsApp, Threema, Telegram and Signal. Later we worked on the platform of Padlet but also got                                                                        to know Trello. I got some good ideas about how to create groups in class then talked about Google                                                                         slides, Google drive and Google classroom. Finally we also had some fun with Jamboard and  just                                                                         noticed that our lessons had ended as Monday was a Bank Holiday so they closed the school earlier  :)

During the afternoon I took part in a tour where our teacher showed us what Dublin means to him.

So a lot of new information and experiences, this is how I spent my first day here.  :)



                                                                                                    my way to school
St Mary's church

                                                                                                          River Liffey
03. 08. 2022.

On Tuesday we had more time to introduce ourselves and our countries. Of course we had already                                                                               known some things about the others still it was nice to see all the towns, cities, cultures they come from                                                                       and it was also interesting to listen to the several different educational systems.

As for tasks, we had a rather complex one. We were already asked the previous day to take some „non                                                                 cultural” pictures. On this day we used Comica to change the style of the pics and put a small text above                                                                   them, then used Chatterpix to make the pics talk. Finally, we trasposed them to Canva to create a video                                                                     out of it. 

 During the afternoon some of us decided to visit Howth, which is a rather liked peninsula here by many                                                                   and took some georgeous pictures,too.

And today we watched these videos and talked about our difficulties and about possible sollutions.                                                                    Then started to work with „animoto” and created nice videos about Dublin. Later on we were introduced                                                                     „prezi”, „genially” and „powtoon”, three different types of presentation tools and we were given the                                                                       choice to decide which one we have prefered. 

 In the afternoon I discovered St Patrick’s Cathedral and Christ Church Cathedral.


                                                                                                    Saint Patrick's Cathedral

                                                                Christ Church Cathedral

04. 08. 2022.

The workshop on Thursday started with mindmaps, word clouds, book and video creation tools (Last Pass, „miro”, „yumpu”, „storyjumper”, „edpuzzle”). Then groupwork has started. Four groups, four different tasks: classroom games, telling a story, create a video or rubrics. Whichever task we have chosen we had to make a presentation out of it, teach something new to the others and represent it to them. With the help of these tasks we had the chance to get to know many new tools try them and even have some fun.

The afternoon was busy again. I had a guided tour in Trinity College and had some time to unravel the secret of the Book of Kells. Later on I had a nice walk in the the park of St Stephen’s Green and in the evening I watched Riverdance in the Gaiety Theatre.


                                                                    Trinity College

05. 08. 2022.

This was one of my favourite days as we had the time to share smart phone apps and any tools or games which my classmates found useful or entertaining. I found Charades, Catchphrase, Wordle  and Geoguessr very amusing and I am also planning to use them in class.

We could also watch some presentations about a cultural artefact from our home towns, so I had  a presentation about Eger, Géza Gárdonyi and his masterpiece: The Eclipse of the Crescent Moon.  I have also shown a video about it which I made with my students and even studied something new about the Turkish culture.

Later on we had a groupwork where we had to choose two cards with different pictures on them. Next we explained to the others why we had chosen them. Then we were allowed to turn the cards on and check if the adjectives written on them were related to us. My words were: calm and caring. Decide if they fit me or not.  😊

After getting the certificates we had a lovely afternoon as we visited Glendalough, the „Valley of the two Lakes”.


07. 08.

Saturday was also a busy day. Woke up at 5am to catch my coach to the Cliffs of Moher. After admiring the beautiful sight here, we went to Doolin to have lunch then continued our route to the Burren region. This is a large limestone area collided with the wild Atlantic ocean. Finally, we visited the city of Galway and had a pint there. Such a great day it was and even the sun was shining.

Now it is Sunday and I am here at Dublin airport waiting for my flight. So many things, many adventures just during a week. A lot of new tools to practise at school, new ideas, a new culture, great friends and a developed world view – these are all I got from this journey.

Before saying goodbye I would like to grab the opportunity and say a special thanks to my mentor Zsuzsa Sajbán who helped and encouraged me to take part in this course.

Thank you Zsuzsa, thank you Erasmus.   😊

Bocsiné Czakó Ágnes

8 August 2022

My name is Bocsiné Czakó Ágnes and I am taking part in a course in the beautiful Florence from 8 to 13 August at Europass Teacher Academy. The title of the course is Tablets and Smartphones: Using  Mobile Devices as Educational Tools. 

On our first day our teacher trainer, a young Italian man called Riccardo Manni welcomed us at the school in Florence. There are 5 students taking part in my course: two from Poland, one from the Czech Republic and one from Spain.

We started the day with an interesting warm-up activity: the SPAGHETTI GAME. We were expected to construct something stable from 20 pieces of spagetti with the help of clay and adhesive tape. We were given 20 minutes for that and we had to cooperate in two groups. Unfortunately we couldn't build a stable construction, it fell into pieces in the last minute. But the other group managed to build it.

The SPAGHETTI GAME was followed by another ice breaking activity: THINK, PAIR, SHARE. We had to answer 4 questions, discuss the questions in groups / pairs and then present our pair's / group member's answers to the rest of the group. In this way we got to know each other very quickly. The questions were the following:

1. How long have you been teaching?

2. How many students do you have?

3. What is the biggest challenge you face with?

4. What do you expect from the course?

During the break we had a nice coffee together in a bar close to the school, where we continued getting to know each other.

After the break Riccardo showed us how to create a PADLET, how to build a card, how to connect the cards, how to share them and how to switch the format. In order to deepen our knowledge we were expected to create a new padlet page with cards about our hometown's sights, a recipe from our country and we also added an interesting fact about our country or region to the padlet.

It was an excellent first day: a flying start.✌

9 August 2022

This was also an exciting day including TRELLO, NEARPOD and FLIPPED CLASSROOM. 

The first app of the day was TRELLO, which I found really complicated to use. It has some useful qualities, but way too difficult to use for me. 

After the coffee break Riccardo told us about the basic concept of the flipped classroom. He mentioned the pros and cons of it and he also gave us some useful tips based on his own experience. 

As he said NEARPOD is the first step towards the flipped classroom. It's an app, where you can create a whole lesson including slides, videos and games/activities. 

In the last part of the day we had to cooperate again to create a lesson with the help of NEARPOD about festivals in Florance. We chose a tradition called 'Cart's explosion', which is connected to Easter in Italy. Both lessons were tested by our trainer, Riccardo, and was satisfied with them.

10 August 2022

I could hardly wait to join Riccardo, Daniela, Angelika, Isabel and Susana, as Wednesday was quiz day with QUIZLET and STOP MOTION STUDIO.

I have heard about QUIZLET before and I have always wanted to learn how it works. It's very similar to Kahoot, as you have to use a code for each game and you can search for other people's materials. First you have to create flashcards and then you have four self-study activity to choose from. You can either work in teams or individually. Both ways are really exciting and motivating.

We were asked to create a Quizlet game in two teams about strange and interesting words in our language. I included "tutyimutyi, cipőfűző" and "töpörödött" into our Quizlet. The other team enjoyed learning some Hungarian, however the pronunciation was extremely difficult for them.

In the next part of the day we downloaded STOP MOTION STUDIO application from Google Play Store, which is a really enjoyable to use. Riccardo showed us how to make a short animation by taking snapshots with the help of the app. When he finished the presentation he asked us to create our own animation using whatever we want: our belongings, coloured pencils and paper, clay or lego. Every one of us was working enthusiasatic and made their own animation in a really creative way. 

In the evening the whole group had dinner together at a pizza place Riccardo recommended to us. We reserved a table for us by 7 o'clock at Simbiosa pizzeria, where organic pizzas and drinks are served. We ate delicious pizzas with fresh tomato, mozzarella, gorgonzola, pistacchio and mortadella. Great food in great company. I really enjoyed the evening with my classmates, we are a good bunch of people.

11 August 2022

On the 4th day of the course we discovered TED.ED and we also started to create our first PODCAST.

TED.ED is an online library full of other teachers' lessons and materials. We discovered how to share or customize these lessons according to our teaching goals.

Then we moved on to using ANCHOR. Our trainer showed us how to record our voice using this application and how to create a complete podcast. As it took us more time than expected, so we agreed to finish it the next day.

In the afternoon we could take part in a guided tour of Florence with Antonella, who is familiar with the complicated history of Florence and who showed us many peculiarities including local dishes like lampredotto, coat of arms of significant families and an interesting memorial of the 1993 bomb explosion behind the Uffizi.

12 August 2022

It was a sad day, as we completed the course, got our certificates and of course we had to say goodbye to each other and our teacher, Riccardo.

In the first session of the day we completed our podcast and we also created a cover using the application CANVA. When everyone was finished, we listened to each other's podcast.

Then we went for a treasure hunt using GOOSECHASE application. We had to visit certain points of Florence where we took selfies, photos and even recorded short videos. We were asked to submit them and our teacher either approved them or not. It was really exciting to discover Florence in this way.

The last stop of the sightseeing with GOOSECHASE was in a cosy café, where we had some nice last chat together and went back to the school to receive the certificates.

It was an amazing week, I got to know great people and the course was far beyond my expectations. I feel that I have learnt apps that I will be able to include in my lessons. I am really grateful that I could be a part of it. Thank you, Erasmus and thank you very much, Zsuzsa.❤️

Mészáros Éva vagyok, magyartanár.

Szeretném elmélyíteni az IKT-ismereteimet, valamint szükségem van az angol nyelvű kommunikáció gyakorlására, tanulására, ezért  2022 augusztus 15 és 22 között az írországi Dublinban vettem részt egy kombinált tanfolyamon a "Europass" szervezésében.

A programba később csatlakoztam be, ugyanis kolléganőmnek, Grenerczyné Csoó Erikának betegség miatt le kellett mondania a tanfolyamot, így a Tempus Közalapítványhoz módosítást adtunk be. Nagy örömömre szolgált, hogy kérelmünket elfogadták, így én utazhatok Írországba. 

Az első héten nyelvi szintemhez igazított intenzív nyelvi kurzuson vettem részt, ahol gyakorolhattam az angol nyelvet, illetve feljeszthettem nyelvtudásom. A második héten IKT eszközök használatában szerzett eddigi ismereteimet mélyíthettem el. 

Az utazás előtt izgalomra nem sok időm volt, hiszen az indulás előtt mindössze két héttel kaptam ezt a lehetőséget. Így minden időmet lekötötte az utazás, a szállás megszervezése, illetve az előzetes feladatok elvégzése (Bemutatkozó PPT készítése). A repülőjegyvásárlás nem ment egyszerűen, így végül Bécsből indultam Dublinba. Bár az éjszakai Dublin fantasztikus látványt nyújtott a magasból, meglehetősen fáradtan foglaltam el a szobát hajnal 1 órakor. 

Reggel frissen indultam a tanfolyamra, s elkezdődött a 25 órás intenzív angol nyelvi kurzus, amelynek része volt az ír kultúra megismerése is. A tanfolyam helyszíne a St. Christopher's Primary School volt, ami a gyönyörű  St Mary Church mellett található. 

A tanfolyam vezetője, Sorcha Scraff sok szeretettel várt minket. 

A csoportban lengyel, német, szlovén, cseh kollégák mellett magyar tanártársakkal is találkoztam. Angoltudásunkat használva sokat beszélgettünk, ismerkedtünk egymással. Remélem, a kapcsolatok révén még Erasmus+ projektben is tudunk együtt dolgozni a későbbiekben.

 A tanfolyamon az angol nyelv tanulása mellett hangsúlyos szerepet kapott az ír kultúra megismerése is. Ennek érdekében megnéztük a National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology kiállítását.

 Mint történelem iránt érdeklődő ember, nehezen tudok választani, mi tetszett legjobban. Nagyon érdekesnek találtam az ír tőzegmocsárban talált tárgyakat és a "bog bodies" is. 

Emellett nagyon izgalmas volt a viking kultúra nyomainak felfedezése, illetve a korai kereszténység emlékeinek a megtekintése is. 

Az első héten voltunk a Nemzeti Galériában is, ahol az elmúlt 500 év képzőművészetének legjelentősebb alkotásait nézhettük meg. A Nemzeti Galériában azt a feladatot kaptuk, hogy társainknak be kellett mutatni egy általunk kiválasztott festményt. Mivel a többieknek a bemutatás alapján kellett felismerni a képet, ez nem kevés vidámságra adott okot. 

A tantermi órák mellett közösen fedeztük fel a város nevezetességeit, sőt "Dublin himnuszát", a Molly Melont is megtanultuk.
A tanfolyam minden pillanatát élveztem, nagyon sokat tanultam mind angol nyelvből, mind az ír kultúráról. Nagyon kedves, vidám kollégákat ismertem meg, és egy nagyon segítőkész, jókedvű és hatalmas szakmai tudással rendelkező tanártól tanulhattam. 

A hétvégén el kellett köszönnnöm társaimtól, hiszen a második héten új csoportba kerültem, ahol az IKT eszközök használatával ismerkedtünk. Az első napon Sarajane Doogan fogadott minket.  
Ezen a héten már nem a nyelvtanuláson volt a hangsúly, hanem új infokommunikációs eszközökkel, felületekkel ismerkedtünk meg, amelyek segítségével érdekesebbé, interaktívabbá tehető az oktatás. Ezen a kurzuson is számos európai ország pedagógusával találkoztam. Voltak Németországból, Szlovéniából, Lengyelországból, Belgiumból, Franciaországból, Szlovákiából kollégák. Nagyon sok új internetes felület használatát tanultuk meg, sőt mi magunk is készítettünk oktatási anyagot. A megismert alkalmazások közül nekem az Edpuzzle tetszett nagyon, azt hiszem munkám során jól fogom tudni alkalmazni. A másik számomra kedves felület a Jeopardylabs - Quiz Game volt. Azt hiszem mindkettőt szívesen használják majd tanítványaim is. A Symbaloo megismerését is nagyon hasznosnak tartom, hiszen segítségével egyszerűen lehet rendezni a leggyakrabban használt internetes oldalakat. Örültem, hogy az általam már korábban is használt Padlet alkalmazásnak új lehetőségeit is megismerhettem. A tanítási órákon jól használható a https://classroomscreen.com/ felület is, hiszen nagyon sok, az órákon hasznos funkciót, feladatot ki lehet vetíteni segítségével (óra, szavazás, időmérő), sőt akár a csoportalkotásban is segíthet.

Ezen a héten az EPIC múzeumba mentünk el, ami számomra fantasztikus élmény volt. A "kivándorlók múzeumában" az ír történelem egy nagyon fontos részét ismerhettük meg. Nagyon tetszett a múzeum interaktív jellege, illetve az "Útlevél", amelyet minden belépő megkapott, s a termeket bejárva szerezhette meg a pecséteket. 

A tanulás mellett volt időnk a barátkozásra is, hiszen ezen a kurzuson is nagyon jókedvű, barátságos, segítőkész társaság alakult ki. 

A tanfolyamok után, délutánokat Dublin és Írország megismerésével töltöttem. Nagyon sokat sétáltam a városban, a telefonom tanúsága szerint 207758-at léptem Írországban, s tényleg minden lépésemet élveztem és örök emléket jelent számomra. 
Már az első nap feltűnt nekem, hogy milyen különlegesen színes Írországban minden bejárati ajtó. Amikor megtudtam a színes ajtók történetét, méginkább felkeltették érdeklődésemet (Az ajtók története: Viktória királynő halála után a britek a gyász jeleként feketére festették a bejártai ajtóikat. A rebellis írek nem követték ezt a hagyományt, sőt az angol fennhatóság ellen a maguk módján tiltakoztak. Így lettek színesek az ajtók.)

A városban sétálva teljesen magával ragadott az Írország hangulata: az emberek jókedve és kedvessége, a pubok semmivel össze nem hasonlítható vidámsága. 

A város felfedezésének természetesen része volt a St Patric's Cathedral, a Trinity College, a Grand Canal Dock és a St Stephen's Green felkeresése is. 

A hétvégét igazi ír piknikkel töltöttük, hiszen kimentünk a Howth félszigetre, a világítótoronyhoz. A fűben ülve ettünk fish and chipset és ittunk hozzá üvegből Guinnsesst. Élveztük a jó időt, a napsütést, s még az sem zavart minket, hogy a sirályok el akarták lopni a halunkat. 

A vasárnapi szabadidőt arra használtam fel, hogy csoporttársaimmal Írországot átszelve megnéztük az Atlanti-óceán partján található Moher-sziklákat. Már az utazás is felejthetetlen élményt jelentett, hiszen lenyűgöző tájakon jártunk. 

A Cliffs of Moher lenyűgöző látványa felejthetetlen élményt jelentett. Igazán szerencsésnek mondhatjuk magunkat, hiszen ezt a csodát verőfényes napsütésben csodálhattuk meg. 

Természetesen a gasztronómiai élményekről sem mondtam le, hiszen a tengerparti fish and chips mellett ittam a Temple Bárban Guinnesst és megkóstoltam a Irish Stew-t is. 

A kurzusok alatt nagyon sokat tanultam és Írországban olyan felejthetetlen élményekben volt részem, amely számomra ezt az utazást örök emlékké teszi. 

"Innovatív technikák és módszertan az angol nyelvi-és digitális kompetenciák fejlesztésének érdekében egy eTwinning iskolában" cím...